Determine Your Net Worth, and Keep Track of Your Net Worth  

Find Your Net Worth or Net Worth What Does It Mean?

Net worth can be described as a measure to determine the value of a person’s assets. Net worth is the sum of assets owned by an entity less the total of its liabilities.

  • A positive net worth signifies that the entity’s asset is more significant than its liabilities.
  • A negative net worth suggests that the liabilities of an organization are more significant than its assets, meaning that the business has debt.

The individual net worth represents the total amount you get after selling all your possessions and paying off your debts since it measures a person’s financial condition of an organization. Net worth is often used to determine their financial condition.


Assets are resources that help in generating profits for your company. It boosts the money that is in the pocket of an individual or company. The higher the level of financial health assets, the higher the percentage of them surpassing obligations; the reverse is actual. Here are some instances of the assets that are:

  • Real Estate
  • Plant & Machinery
  • Office Equipment
  • Stock
  • Cash
  • Investors


The obligations you have to take on are ones that your business must fulfill. It decreases its value for an organization’s or an individual’s funds. The higher the amount of commitment, the more deteriorates the financial situation, and the reverse is true. These are examples of obligations:

  • Individual Loans
  • Current Mortgage Funds
  • Unpaid Indebtedness
  • Accounts Payable/Money Payable to Creditors.

How Much Is the Net Worth Working For?

Your assets’ net worth is the amount you would earn if you sold every item you had and paid your debts. The figure could even be dangerous in some instances in which you’ve more debt than assets.

Although this isn’t the best option, it’s common for those who are just graduating from university or just starting their careers. In this scenario, your net worth is defined by how much you owe in debt when you decide to sell everything you own to pay back your debt.

Although neither of these scenarios is possible, the value you measure your net worth at is greater than the (usually wrong) assumptions made to arrive at the figure.

There is no universal ideal net worth figure you must aim at regarding your financial health. You should, however, keep track of your net worth every year to determine if it is improving and increases as time passes.

How to Determine Net Worth

Estimating your net worth can be a simple procedure that requires you to gather all the pertinent information about your current assets and liabilities. Many financial advisors recommend that their clients keep an organized folder containing details about their assets and liabilities (assets and liabilities). This is required to be updated every year at a minimum.

Collecting and organizing this information can be time-consuming in the beginning. However, it ensures that you (and anyone else who could utilize it, for instance, your financial advisor or spouse) can access it whenever you require it.

Although a file such as this can be used for various purposes, calculating your net worth is a matter of the most basic financial information regarding your possessions and debts. To begin, take these steps:

Step 1. Add All of Your Assets

Making a list of all you own is the initial step to estimating the value of your assets. Anything you own with the potential to earn money is considered an asset.

  1. Begin by identifying the most valuable possessions. These could include the value of their house, real estate property, or personal vehicles such as boats and automobiles for most individuals. The list may also include the value of a company when you are the business owner, which includes a more sophisticated calculation. Be sure to use current dollar market estimates that are accurate.
  2. Get your most recent statement for the more liquid investments the next time. Savings and checking accounts Cash, CDs, and even other investments such as retirement accounts and brokerage accounts are examples of these assets.
  3. Consider also mentioning other important personal possessions you have. It could include priceless jewelry, coins, collections of coins, musical instruments, heirlooms, or even a unique wine collection, in addition to other things. There is no requirement to list everything in the collection, but you should try to include items that are worth at least $500.
  4. Combine all the assets that you listed in the initial three steps. This is the total value of your contribution.

Step 2. Make a list of your debts.

A list of the debts you owe is the second step to estimating how much you’re worth.

  1. Begin by focusing on the most significant outstanding debts, such as your car or home debts. You should make a list of these loans along with their current balances.
  2. Then, write down all your obligations, including the balances on your credit cards, school loans, and any other debts you may have. 
  3. Add the balances on all of the above-mentioned obligations. This sum is your total amount of debt.

Subtract all your debts from all of your assets.

  1. Subtract your total obligations from the total of your assets to determine the value of your net assets. It doesn’t matter whether you are a millionaire or a small number is for this calculation. It does not matter if the figure is negative or positive. Net worth just an indicator from which you can evaluate your future self.
  2. Make sure to do this at least once per year and then compare the results with the previous year’s results. When you compare the two figures, it will be possible to determine whether you’re moving forward or slipping further behind in your objectives. It may be beneficial to review your net worth regularly when you’ve embarked on a sweeping plan to pay back debt or save.

Net Worth Formula

Net worth is the sum of total assets and total liabilities.

In the theory of things, net worth refers to the amount you’d earn if you were to sell all your possessions and pay off all your obligations. In certain circumstances it could be negative, meaning that you are more in debt than assets.

net worth example

asset value: a principal home worth more than $25,000 as well as an investment portfolio that is worth $10,000, and cars as well as other investments worth $20,000.

These include:

A mortgage of 30,000 to be paid off

A loan of 10,000 for a vehicle

Net Worth = Total Assets + Total Liabilities



The Purpose of Net Worth

Net worth offers you complete information about your financial position, which can help you make more informed choices. There are several benefits:

  • The process of determining your net worth is an effective method of determining the place you’re at and the amount of time you’ll need to go in order to achieve your long-term financial goals.
  • Knowing your net worth can make it easier to set financial goals and pinpoint areas of concern.
  • A positive net worth will help to keep you on track financially, and it will also help you receive loans and enjoy better credit conditions.

Everyone has their own personal long and short-term financial goals like buying an apartment and paying for their children’s schooling, retirement, and financial independence, just to mention just a few. These goals will only be achieved through increasing the value of their net worth.

If your wealth increases every year, it’s on the right track. However, if it’s declining or remains the same, it’s time to look for loopholes, motives, and methods that can improve its financial standing.

In the course of time, be observant of your net value.

If you establish a routine to keep track of your net worth in a spreadsheet (a Google Sheet is an excellent starting point) and keep it up to date and regularly, you’ll be able to keep track of your financial performance as time passes. Your net worth should increase in a steady manner, though it’s likely to be a steady increase.

Why isn’t life going well? It’s because life’s not always simple. There will be periods where there aren’t huge unplanned expenses or unexpected emergencies, and there will be instances where there are. There will be times when you’re less stingy in your spending and others when you are extravagant. They will show up as your wealth.

If everything is good for you and you are able to take the utmost care of your debt and spending, your net worth will increase by a significant amount. It will not increase much in the event that you go overboard or encounter unplanned life events, but it may even decrease.

There are many things you can do to ensure your net worth keeps expanding in the right direction.

  1. Be mindful of your finances. If you keep your expenses in check and implement a variety of economical methods throughout your day, you will see your expenses decrease, and you will have more cash in your pockets. Saving your money in your pockets will eventually reflect your wealth (assuming you don’t use the money elsewhere).
  2. Make sure you pay your bills. Set up and follow the plan for paying back debt. By paying off debts quickly, you reduce the amount you’ll lose to interest.
  3. Set aside enough money to fund retirement and other primary objectives. The amount you’ve saved increases the value of your assets. Your net worth increases faster as a result of the returns on investments.
  4. Keep a solid work ethic. Be on the path to an impressive salary while keeping your spending within your budget.

Critical of your Net Worth

If you can see financial trends drawn with black and white lines on your net worth statement, you’re forced to confront the facts of how your finances are performing.

Looking over your net worth statement over time can aid in determining 1) the current situation and also) how you can get to where you’d like to go. It can encourage you to be on the right path (i.e., cutting down on debt while creating assets) and serve as a wake-up call if you’re not. Here are some tips for getting back on the right track:

Spend your money judiciously.

Understanding your Net Worth is vital as it will assist in finding areas in which you’re spending too much. There is no need to buy something just because you can afford it. Think about whether something is a necessity or a desire before buying to avoid accruing debt.

Your needs should cover the bulk of your expenditure to avoid excessive expenditure and debt. (Keep your mind in the back of your head that you could justify a desire by claiming it is necessary.) Buy 10 pairs of pants and shirts instead of 20 to finish your job and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Relieving Debt

Reviewing your obligations and assets can help you formulate an effective debt repayment plan. For instance, you might have a savings account earning 1 percent interest while you pay off credit card debt with an interest rate of 12. In the future, you might find that using cash to pay off credit card debt is sensible.

If unsure, run the calculations to determine whether paying off debt is an economic sense, considering the implications of losing the money you may need in an emergency.

Making Investments and Saving Money

Saving money and investing may motivate you to save money and invest. When your net worth report shows that you’re on track to achieve your financial goals and goals, you might be inspired to go on.

However, if your net worth indicates that there’s room to improve, for example, when your assets are declining, and your obligations are growing, it may give you the push you need to save more heavily.

A statement of net worth

Assets (What You Have) Obligations (What you Owe)

Cash: Present Debts

Cash-in-hand household

Checking Accounts Current or Medical Charges

Savings Accounts Credit Cards

The Cash Value Life Insurance Credit for Cash Value Life Insurance

Taxes Due or Taxes Back

Other other

Actual Estate/Property Mortgages:

Home Home

Land Land

Other other

Investments: (Current Value) Loans:

Savings Bonds Bank/Finance Company

Government Securities for Student Loans and Education


Mutual Funds 

Ownership of a business: Business Lending

Credits Due to You Personal (from friends or family members)

Automobile(s) Automobile Loan(s)

Collectables Other

Jewelry/Furs/Guns Other

Other Other

Total Assets Total Liability

Net Worth is the sum of Total Assets + Total Liabilities

What is the significance of net worth?

Net worth can be described as a measure to determine the financial worth of an individual. “Net worth” is the sum of an organization’s assets less the amount of its liabilities.

What is the formula for net worth?

Net worth is the sum of total assets and total liabilities.

Is It Worth the Work?

Net worth is the amount you’d get if you sell most of your belongings and then pay all your obligations.

Refer to the article above for more information.

What is the significance of net wealth?

If you notice financial trends drawn with black and white lines on statements of net worth, You’re forced to confront the truth about how your finances are performing.

What’s the point in net worth?


Determining the value of your assets is an effective method of determining the place you’re at and the amount of time you’ll need to get to your financial goals over the long term.